A closer future

Reduce C02 emissions by 80% by 2032

Reduce C02 polluting emissions from transport and civil life is a target that not only each individual but Institutions and big industry companies should target

Up today, the goal seems to be optimistic if we look forward to the new technologies that can launch new electrical vehicles at “zero emissions” such as electrical car engines at fuel cell.

Idrogeno Bus

At last, COP26 international conference: it showed up the new hydrogen ambulance for the UK NHS system. Almost 500 Km with a full hydrogen tank!

The fuel cells are powered by hydrogen, which according to Hydrogen Vehicle Systems, offers a considerable range of autonomy (480 km) in very short time. Both factors are very important for the NHS ambulance’s services that should intervene rapidly and by non-planned distances.

Keep up with new technologies is a must to have for any company who wishes to compete on the market and to optimize energy savings and transport.

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